Hardware Services

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Hardware-as-a-Service (HaaS)

Want to pay a flat rate in the form of a monthly payment for your company's work technology? We can provide just that.

With our Hardware-as-a-Service, we cover an expansive set of categories that cater to all your hardware needs, some of which include:

Stop worrying about rebuilding your budget after a major hardware expense, and start relaxing with a predictable, affordable monthly payment that keeps all of your technology up to date.

Contact us for more information.

Hardware We Provide & Our Guarantee

Net Bridge Solutions provides you with all the devices you need to run your business, including servers, workstations, routers, switches, NAS devices, and many others. Please contact us for more details.

This is our guarantee to you: if any piece of your HaaS package ever fails, we simply replace it at no additional expense to you.

What is Hardware as a Service?

Hardware as a Service (or HaaS), is an IT solution that allows companies to pay a flat rate for their work technology.

How many of your workstations or other pieces of equipment are out of date and due to be refreshed? Net Bridge Solutions provides you with all the IT devices that you need to run your business.

Hardware as a Service comes in the form of an affordable monthly payment. HaaS allows you to pay a flat-fee service for all your IT services, hardware, installation, security, backups, applications, etc. Therefore, eliminating the capital costs.

Let us show you how to eliminate the unnecessary burden of rebuilding your budget after a major hardware expense. The benefit of having your hardware tied directly into your managed service agreement gives you peace of mind and lets you know that an affordable monthly rate will keep all of your technology up-to-date.